

Im an advocate of the great Dr. Johnson, the English man of letters who said that patriotism was the last refuge of the scoundrel. – George Galloway

The love of ones country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border? – Pablo Casals

Youll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race. – George Bernard Shaw

A mans country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. – George William Curtis

Youre not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you cant face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it or who says it. – Malcom X

Politics is too partisan, and sometimes patriotism is cast aside. Patriotism is honor and love of your country and your brothers and sisters. With politics I get the impression that its all about whats good for the party and not necessarily whats good for the country. – Ricardo Montalban

There is no patriotic obligation to help advance the career of a politician who is otherwise pursuing interests that are fundamentally antithetical to your values. Thats not the call of patriotism. – John Bolton

I dont want to see the military falling. I want to see the military rising to dignified heights of professionalism and true patriotism. – Aung San Suu Kyi

Patriotism is considered to be an emotion a person ought to feel. But why? Why is it nobler to love your own country than to love someone elses? – Wallace Shawn

Some versions of patriotism come close to the tribal, which we all want to surpass, and some dont. – Todd Gitlin

In The Kings Speech, patriotism is utterly contained within a historical moment, the third of September, 1939, where the aggressor is clear, the fight is clear, it hasnt become complicated over time. – Tom Hooper

The music industrys actions at the time of 9/11 and since have been actions driven by patriotism in most instances, and greed and stupidity to a lesser degree. Sounds like real life doesnt it? – Ronnie James Dio

Theres intense national feeling in America that could be called patriotism. – Michael Ignatieff

The values, the programs, the formula, the determination, and the patriotism responsible for Americas past success are still here to be tapped. – Michael Mandelbaum

It seems that American patriotism measures itself against an outcast group. The right Americans are the right Americans because theyre not like the wrong Americans, who are not really Americans. – Eric Hobsbawm

I think the reaction to a World War II situation would be the same today as it was in 1942. Initially, people would question, but once patriotism got stirred up, the whole thing would gather momentum and wed all pull together. – Parker Stevenson

America beats on you so hard the whole time. You are constantly being pummeled by other peoples rights and their sense of patriotism. – Richard Ford

Lets give some substance to patriotism. It may take a generation. – Richard Dreyfuss

But my patriotism goes for something beyond what we have. We dont have something that I want to die for – anymore. – Jack Bowman

True patriotism isnt cheap. Its about taking on a fair share of the burden of keeping America going. – Robert Reich