

I know Im not known as method. By nature Im not a brooder. What I continue to use is a mixture of the English school, which is traditionally outside-in, and the more American way of working from the inside out. – Hugh Jackman

Living in Cambridge, with nature and everything, its so clean. – Syd Barrett

Its not in our nature. Americans have never been a people that drive through a nice neighborhood and say, Oh, I hate the people who live in these nice houses. – Marco Rubio

We all need to look into the dark side of our nature – thats where the energy is, the passion. People are afraid of that because it holds pieces of us were busy denying. – Sue Grafton

Loki in Thor is the most incredible springboard into a sort of excavation of the darker aspects of human nature. So that was thrilling, coming back knowing that Id built the boat and now I could set sail into choppier waters. – Tom Hiddleston

Natures great masterpiece, an elephant the only harmless great thing. – John Donne

Thats the nature of women, not to love when we love them, and to love when we love them not. – Miguel de Cervantes

Humans have certain properties and characteristics which are intrinsic to them, just as every other organism does. Thats human nature. – Noam Chomsky

Although Im an atheist who believes only in great nature, I recognize the spiritual richness and grandeur of the Roman Catholicism in which I was raised. – Camille Paglia

I did not want to be a tree, a flower or a wave. In a dancers body, we as audience must see ourselves, not the imitated behavior of everyday actions, not the phenomenon of nature, not exotic creatures from another planet, but something of the miracle that is a human being. – Martha Graham

I think its a very firm part of human nature that if you surround yourself with like-minded people, youll end up thinking more extreme versions of what you thought before. – Cass Sunstein

To me, the worlds rather beautiful if you look at it. Especially nature. – David Hockney

To enter by reason means to realize the essence through instruction and to believe that all living things share the same true nature, which isnt apparent because its shrouded by sensation and delusion. – Bodhidharma

In antiquity the sage kings recognized that mens nature is bad and that their tendencies were not being corrected and their lawlessness controlled. – Xun Zi

Its incredible how nature sets females up to take care of people, and yet it is tricky for them to take care of themselves. – Bjork

Im so not stylish by nature, but Ive learned to work with what I have. – Julie Bowen

Cruelty is the law pervading all nature and society and we cant get out of it if we would. – Thomas Hardy

“We dont do things we arent good at by nature. I wouldnt play basketball because Im only 5 1″”. Find what you enjoy – whether its racing, flying a helicopter, being a doctor, or stitching clothes together. Once youve done that, you have the passion you need.” – Danica Patrick

Wars will remain while human nature remains. I believe in my soul in cooperation, in arbitration but the soldiers occupation we cannot say is gone until human nature is gone. – Rutherford B. Hayes

Every corny thing thats said about living with nature – being in harmony with the earth, feeling the cycle of the seasons – happens to be true. – Susan Orlean