

Women, by their nature, are not exceptional chess players: they are not great fighters. – Garry Kasparov

The structure of life I have described in buildings – the structure which I believe to be objective – is deeply and inextricably connected with the human person, and with the innermost nature of human feeling. – Christopher Alexander

I realise that in this undertaking I place myself in a certain opposition to views widely held concerning the mathematical infinite and to opinions frequently defended on the nature of numbers. – Georg Cantor

Anyone who has obeyed nature by transmitting a piece of gossip experiences the explosive relief that accompanies the satisfying of a primary need. – Primo Levi

The highest purpose is to have no purpose at all. This puts one in accord with nature, in her manner of operation. – John Cage

It is hard, I submit, to loathe bloodshed, including war, more than I do, but it is still harder to exceed my loathing of the very nature of totalitarian states in which massacre is only an administrative detail. – Vladimir Nabokov

Hidden nature is secret God. – Sri Aurobindo

If you are cast in a different mould to the majority, it is no merit of yours: Nature did it. – Charlotte Bronte

It is human nature to instinctively rebel at obscurity or ordinariness. – Taylor Caldwell

Abstraction is real, probably more real than nature. – Josef Albers

We lament the speed of our society and the lack of depth and the nature of disposable information. – David Ogden Stiers

The gifts of nature are infinite in their variety, and mind differs from mind almost as much as body from body. – Quintilian

The idea is that there is a kind of memory in nature. Each kind of thing has a collective memory. So, take a squirrel living in New York now. That squirrel is being influenced by all past squirrels. – Rupert Sheldrake

There is an urgent need for a radical revision of our current concepts of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter and the brain. – Stanislav Grof

Quantum computation is… a distinctively new way of harnessing nature… It will be the first technology that allows useful tasks to be performed in collaboration between parallel universes. – David Deutsch

Here take back the stuff that I am, nature, knead it back into the dough of being, make of me a bush, a cloud, whatever you will, even a man, only no longer make me me. – Georg C. Lichtenberg

Many artists and scholars have pointed out that ultimately art depends on human nature. – Steven Pinker

The noble simplicity in the works of nature only too often originates in the noble shortsightedness of him who observes it. – Georg C. Lichtenberg

Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye… it also includes the inner pictures of the soul. – Edvard Munch

For neither life nor nature cares if justice is ever done or not. – Patricia Highsmith