

The muse holds no appointments. You can never call on it. I dont understand people who get up at 9 oclock in the morning, put on the coffee and sit down to write. – Glen Hansard

You say something stupid and the next morning youre in the headlines. – Barry Manilow

I think Im a fun flatmate. Im always cheerful. I go on tour with my band so its 12 people on one bus and I feel like Im the one whos happy in the morning. Im not a chaotic person, but I might slack off on doing the dishes from time to time. – Zooey Deschanel

Ill always remember when I bumped into Good Morning Americas Robin Roberts on a flight to my mothers funeral in 1994, and how kind she was during that difficult time. – Gayle King

When I found out I was going to be on CBS every morning, my first phone call was to Jenny Craig. Ten days later, Id lost nine pounds. Now I even take the plans popcorn with me to the movies. – Gayle King

There are 435 members of Congress. Theres one Morning Joe show. Hopefully, we can keep hammering the argument that you can disagree with other people and have debates but remain civil. – Joe Scarborough

But, you know, they dont enjoy the dinner hour together. Its just not as much of a ritual at night and its interesting. I think the ritual is taking place perhaps more in the morning. – Katie Couric

But of course when people watch morning television, Terry, its a very different animal. You know, theyre running around, theyre getting their kids ready for school, theyre probably doing eight million things, theyre brushing their teeth. – Katie Couric

Well, when I was a kid and I watched Speed Racer, I used to always watch it in the morning with my cereal. And when I ate the cereal, I would pour soda into the cereal because we never really had milk for some reason, I dont know. – Emile Hirsch

You know what I like to do on a Sunday morning? Clean my house. I really enjoy it its my ritual. I require tidiness, actually. I have to have everything spotless before I can relax. – Jonathan Rhys Meyers

There would be nights when I would wake up and couldnt get back to sleep. So I would go downstairs and write. The staff had a pool going on how many pages of typing I would bring in here in the morning. – Harold H. Greene

The four of us couldnt have made a record with the time left over when we were shooting the show. We were on stage from 7.30 in the morning til 7 at night. Later on, when there was a break from filming, and we were sick of doing it the old way. – Peter Tork

You think that religion is a thing that is there to help you and to see you through life, and then you wake up one morning and find the entire Irish situation, the civil war thats based on religion. – Midge Ure

I just remember Stella Tenant and me dancing in Donatella Versaces bathtub until like four in the morning. It was one of those pinch me moments. – Carolyn Murphy

I turned on VH1 this morning just to get a little warm-up before I came over here, and I think its just terrific. Theres so much great stuff: diverse and wonderful music, good performances, great looking girls, great videos, the whole thing. – Debbie Harry

When I read the pilot for Married with Children, it just reminded me of my Uncle Joe… just a self-deprecating kind of guy. Hed come home from work, and the wife would maybe say I ran over the dog this morning in the driveway. And he would say Fine, whats for dinner? – Ed ONeill

I love to read. I love to stretch. In the morning, I get up, and if Im not in a hurry, I will lie on the floor on a rug, look through some books and magazines, and maybe listen to music and try to do stretching exercises to tune up. – Jackson Browne

I made it a morning show. We have the coffee cup, we have the morning papers. Its got that feel to it, thats what I wanted. – Regis Philbin

Ive done the best I can with the morning show. I made it a morning show. We have the coffee cup, you have the morning papers, you know, its got that feel to it, thats what I wanted. – Regis Philbin

It means a lot in my business and its a wonderful feeling to be recognized for what you have done over a lifetime, but I didnt go crazy. I still eat my cereal in the morning, have a sandwich in the afternoon, go to bed at night. You know, nothing really different. – Regis Philbin