

All we had aboard the ship that morning was one Annapolis graduate and three reserves. – Barney Ross

I get up at an unholy hour in the morning my work day is completed by the time the sun rises. I have a slightly bad back which has made an enormous contribution to American literature. – David Eddings

It was so quiet that morning in Paris that the heels of my two companions and myself were loud on the deserted pavements. It was a city of shuttered shops, and barred windows, and deserted avenues. – Philip Gibbs

It was not enough to come and listen to a great sermon or message every Sunday morning and be confined to those four walls and those four corners. You had to get out and do something. – John Lewis

You really have to be a morning person if you want to be a teacher. – Alanna Ubach

If you woke up each morning, and immediately dwelt on your ills, what sort of a day could you look forward to? – Maeve Binchy

The United States dollar took another pounding on German, French and British exchanges this morning, hitting the lowest point ever known in West Germany. – Gordon Sinclair

We climbed the stairs to the third floor, where Osama bin Laden died early in the morning of May 2, 2011. – Peter L. Bergen

Sometimes, I sit down to sketch at the unearthly hour of 3 in the morning! – Nafisa Joseph

When you awaken some morning and hear that somebody or other has been discovered, you can put it down as a fact that he discovered himself years ago – since that time he has been toiling, working, and striving to make himself worthy of general discovery. – James Whitcomb Riley

I owed Lewis one thing, at least. Once you had suffered the experience of presenting a case at one of his Monday morning conferences, no other public appearance, whether on radio, TV or the lecture platform, could hold any terrors for you. – Anthony Storr

I wake up every morning feeling lucky – which is driven by fear, no doubt, since I know it could all go away. – Natasha Richardson

Some of those more out-there jokes were written in the wee hours of the morning. Somehow, they remained funny the next day. – Seth MacFarlane

I have come to understand and appreciate writers much more recently since I started working on a book last fall. Before that, I thought golf writers got up every morning, played a round of golf, had lunch, showed up for our last three holes and then went to dinner. – Phil Mickelson

As we moved along in a little procession, I was delighted with the illumination of the streets. So many lamps, and they burned until morning, my father said, and so people did not need to carry lanterns. – Mary Antin

The apex of my civic pride and personal contentment was reached on the bright September morning when I entered the public school. – Mary Antin

The results of this survey are shocking and should be a wake-up call to men and women that drinking and smoking too much not only gives you a bad headache in the morning but can affect your ability to start a family. – Ann Robinson

If there was no Black Sabbath, I could still possibly be a morning newspaper delivery boy. No fun. – Lars Ulrich

They put me on the shift where they thought I could do the least harm, midnight to eight in the morning. Although the hours were lousy, they were perfect for an apprentice reporter. – Andrea Mitchell

I have a family and two cats I get up with my kids early in the morning. – Vanna White