

The flood of money that gushes into politics today is a pollution of democracy. – Theodore White

Spare no expense to save money on this one. – Samuel Goldwyn

The key to making money is to stay invested. – Suze Orman

A fool and her money are soon courted. – Helen Rowland

Divorce is one of the most financially traumatic things you can go through. Money spent on getting mad or getting even is money wasted. – Richard Wagner

Labor was the first price, the original purchase – money that was paid for all things. – Adam Smith

Countries have lost their culture because what they wanted was money. Money became the running theme in every country and culture was sacrificed. – Yoko Ono

My generation will actually be the first generation that is tamer than the one that came before it, and it will probably be poorer less fun and less money. – Shia LaBeouf

Money and fame made me believe I was entitled. I was wrong and foolish. – Tiger Woods

The only point in making money is, you can tell some big shot where to go. – Humphrey Bogart

I am a liberated woman. And I do believe if a woman does equal work she should be paid equal money. But personally I am feminine and I do like male authority to lean on. – Julie Andrews

I never left France for Hollywood nor stashed my money in Switzerland. – Brigitte Bardot

Having money is rather like being a blond. It is more fun but not vital. – Mary Quant

I had some money, I made the best paintings ever. I was completely reclusive, worked a lot, took a lot of drugs. I was awful to people. – Jean-Michel Basquiat

Only the elites despise earning money. – Newt Gingrich

I became alienated from this religious upbringing, and started making music. I wanted to be a big star. All those things I saw in the films and on the media took hold of me, and perhaps I thought this was my god: the goal of making money. – Cat Stevens

Young film makers should learn how to deal with the money and learn how to deal with the power structure. Because it is like a battle. – Martin Scorsese

I know a lot of celebrities who are perfectly happy to put their name to something and then leave it at that because the money is good, but I need to have complete control over how something is going to look if my name is going to be attached to it. – Heidi Klum

I turned down twelve films last year… Huge money films, but I had no respect for the writer or the work. – Shia LaBeouf

Arab leaders worry more about making money from the profits they get from oil and gas that they turn the other way when Lebanon is being destroyed right next to them. Their neighbours are being murdered, but they only make calculations for their own benefit. – Abu Bakar Bashir