A civilization is built on what is required of men, not on that which is provided for them. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits, but not when it misses. – Francis Bacon
The same principles which at first view lead to skepticism, pursued to a certain point, bring men back to common sense. – George Berkeley
I hate this fast growing tendency to chain men to machines in big factories and deprive them of all joy in their efforts – the plan will lead to cheap men and cheap products. – Richard Wagner
Men in general are quick to believe that which they wish to be true. – Julius Caesar
Reasonable men adapt to the world around them unreasonable men make the world adapt to them. The world is changed by unreasonable men. – Edwin Louis Cole
One can be a brother only in something. Where there is no tie that binds men, men are not united but merely lined up. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Only the unknown frightens men. But once a man has faced the unknown, that terror becomes the known. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Men do not understand books until they have a certain amount of life, or at any rate no man understands a deep book, until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents. – Ezra Pound
Study men, not historians. – Harry S. Truman
Injustice, poverty, slavery, ignorance – these may be cured by reform or revolution. But men do not live only by fighting evils. They live by positive goals, individual and collective, a vast variety of them, seldom predictable, at times incompatible. – Isaiah Berlin
He had read much, if one considers his long life but his contemplation was much more than his reading. He was wont to say that if he had read as much as other men he should have known no more than other men. – Isaac Asimov
Controversy equalizes fools and wise men – and the fools know it. – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Men trust their ears less than their eyes. – Herodotus
Every woman needs one man in her life who is strong and responsible. Given this security, she can proceed to do what she really wants to do-fall in love with men who are weak and irresponsible. – Richard J. Needham
We say nothing essential about the cathedral when we speak of its stones. We say nothing essential about Man when we seek to define him by the qualities of men. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men. – John Locke
Wine hath drowned more men than the sea. – Thomas Fuller
Some old men, continually praise the time of their youth. In fact, you would almost think that there were no fools in their days, but unluckily they themselves are left as an example. – Alexander Pope
Inconsistencies in men are generally testimony to their immaturity. – Edwin Louis Cole