

No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness. – Aristotle

I have cultivated my hysteria with delight and terror. Now I suffer continually from vertigo, and today, 23rd of January, 1862, I have received a singular warning, I have felt the wind of the wing of madness pass over me. – Charles Baudelaire

The world has always gone through periods of madness so as to advance a bit on the road to reason. – Hermann Broch

Men are mad most of their lives; few live sane, fewer die so. The acts of people are baffling unless we realize that their wits are disordered. Man is driven to justice by his lunacy. – Edward Dahlberg

The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad. – Salvador Dali

Much Madness is divinest Sense — to a discerning Eye — much Sense — the starkest Madness — – Emily Dickinson

Perhaps he was a bit different from other people, but what really sympathetic person is not a little mad? – Isadora Duncan

Madness is the absolute break with the work of art; it forms the constitutive moment of abolition, which dissolves in time the truth of the work of art. – Michel Foucault

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness. – Allen Ginsberg

Were not in Wonderland anymore Alice. – Charles Manson

The lightning flashes through my skull; mine eyeballs ache and ache; my whole beaten brain seems as beheaded, and rolling on some stunning ground. – Herman Melville

Madness is tonic and invigorating. It makes the sane more sane. The only ones who are unable to profit by it are the insane. – Henry Miller

Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, ages it is the rule. – Friedrich Nietzsche

The usefulness of madmen is famous: they demonstrate societys logic flagrantly carried out down to its last scrimshaw scrap. – Cynthia Ozick

I guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them. – Ezra Pound

Its a question to ask ourselves if were not mad. But who are the madmen, in Gods name? Those who wonder about it, or the others? If we ever began to speak out loud, what would they do with us, tell me? – Victor Serge

O, let me not be mad, not mad, sweet heaven! Keep me in temper. I would not be mad. – William Shakespeare

We want a few mad people now. See where the sane ones have landed us! – George Bernard Shaw