

Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting. The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet. – Andy Warhol

We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love – first to their advantage, then to their disadvantage. – Albert Camus

The reason men oppose progress is not that they hate progress, but that they love inertia. – Elbert Hubbard

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. – Francis of Assisi

We are never so defensless against suffering as when we love. – Sigmund Freud

All women have a perception much more developed than men. So all women somehow, being repressed for so many millennia, they ended up by developing this sixth sense and contemplation and love. And this is something that we have a hard time to accept as part of our society. – Paulo Coelho

Sex without love is merely healthy exercise. – Robert A. Heinlein

Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to. – Alfred A. Montapert

Love may be or it may not, but where it is, it ought to reveal itself in its immensity. – Honore de Balzac

May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live. – Robert A. Heinlein

Man is an idea, and a precious small idea once he turns his back on love. – Albert Camus

The desire for possession is insatiable, to such a point that it can survive even love itself. To love, therefore, is to sterilize the person one loves. – Albert Camus

To abandon oneself to principles is really to die – and to die for an impossible love which is the contrary of love. – Albert Camus

Give a child love, laughter and peace, not AIDS. – Nelson Mandela

In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people. – Judy Garland

Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage. – Ambrose Bierce

I met in the street a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, his cloak was out at the elbows, the water passed through his shoes, – and the stars through his soul. – Victor Hugo

No one is a friend to his friend who does not love in return. – Plato

It is not love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love. – Voltaire

I will not be just a tourist in the world of images, just watching images passing by which I cannot live in, make love to, possess as permanent sources of joy and ecstasy. – Anais Nin