

Its only through listening that you learn, and I never want to stop learning. – Drew Barrymore

Im just learning who I am and how relationships work and how to make them function. No different from anyone else. – Drew Barrymore

Its mainly about working hard and proving to people youre serious about it, and stretching yourself and learning. The mistake a lot of actors make, particularly young ones, is allowing themselves to feel that theyre the finished articles, the bees knees, and its not true. – Daniel Radcliffe

A childs learning is a function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher. – James S. Coleman

I always say the minute I stop making mistakes is the minute I stop learning and Ive definitely learned a lot. – Miley Cyrus

It is always good to explore the stuff you dont agree with, to try and understand a different lifestyle or foreign worldview. I like to be challenged in that way, and always end up learning something I didnt know. – Laura Linney

I got problems. I freak out, go to a shrink, go through all kinds of therapy and stuff, but Im learning how to deal with it. Thats why Ive chosen one hour a night to get all of my aggressions out. to really tell the world the way I feel. – Jonathan Davis

Theres no mystery to it. Nothing more complicated than learning lines and putting on a costume. – Morgan Freeman

I believe that the testing of the students achievements in order to see if he meets some criterion held by the teacher, is directly contrary to the implications of therapy for significant learning. – Carl Rogers

In terms of doing work and in terms of learning and evolving as a person, you just grow more when you get more peoples perspectives… I really try and live the mission of the company and… keep everything else in my life extremely simple. – Mark Zuckerberg

In university they dont tell you that the greater part of the law is learning to tolerate fools. – Doris Lessing

There was a time when young people respected learning and literature and now they dont. – Doris Lessing

What society doesnt realize is that in the past, ordinary people respected learning. They respected books, and they dont now, or not very much. That whole respect for serious literature and learning has disappeared. – Doris Lessing

I may be learning guitar, but Ill never be able to sing. – David Duchovny

Im going from doing all of the work to having to delegate the work – which is almost harder for me than doing the work myself. Im a lousy delegator, but Im learning. – Alton Brown

Its like learning a language you cant speak a language fluently until you find out who you are in that language, and that has as much to do with your body as it does with vocabulary and grammar. – Fred Frith

Im interested in learning more about myself and what I value in myself and letting that be the beautiful part of me, rather than putting on the makeup or wearing the right designer. – Jessica Simpson

Women have to harness their power – its absolutely true. Its just learning not to take the first no. And if you cant go straight ahead, you go around the corner. – Cher

Its a weird sensation to be mad and learning at the same time. – Jeff Foxworthy

We started this band as kids, and as time has gone on, weve grown and are learning to accommodate each others differences. – Layne Staley