

Remaining vigilant toward this ever-present threat means constantly learning how better to protect ourselves. But primarily it reminds us that we must fight and win the war on terror, so that we do not have to fight it here in America. – Mark Kennedy

That folk music led to learning to play, and making things up led to what turns out to be the most lucrative part of the music business – writing, because you get paid every time that song gets played. – Jackson Browne

Home schooled children frequently combine for many purposes – and they interact well. The growth of the home schooling movement means that more and more children are learning together, just not in a traditional classroom. – Ernest Istook

For me, the most difficult thing is that I am learning melodies on guitar from some songs whose melodies were not meant to be played on guitar. Ever. They were intended mostly for keyboards or melodic percussion. – Dweezil Zappa

There is a lot of learning I have to do and a lot of growing up I have to do. – Bubba Watson

In every character I play, I try to imbibe something. Every film is a learning process for me. – Ajay Naidu

Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit. – William Pollard

You only stop learning when you quit. – Ruud Gullit

But by taking the time away, getting myself off the treadmill, and just slowing down and learning, I felt I had so much more to give back. And maybe that was something that needed to happen for all of us. – Lindsey Buckingham

The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of learning is through experience, seeing something with our own eyes. – Jack Hanna

I worked hard learning harmony and theory when I was growing up in Chicago in the 1920s. – Lionel Hampton

But the basic Taoism that we are concerned with here is simply a particular way of appreciating, learning from, and working with whatever happens in everyday life. – Benjamin Hoff

Rich people without wisdom and learning are but sheep with golden fleeces. – Solon

Basketball, in America, is like a culture. It is like a foreigner learning a new language. It is difficult to learn foreign languages and it will also be difficult for me to learn the culture for basketball here. – Yao Ming

Most organizations should be pro-active, but philanthropists concerned with poverty should deliberately be reactive, learning from the efforts of ordinary folks who tired of looking the other way as their communities fell apart. – Marvin Olasky

The fact is that the learning process goes on, and so long as the voices are not stilled and the singers go on singing some of it gets through. – Morris West

Learning gives us a fuller conviction of the imperfections of our nature which one would think, might dispose us to modesty. – Jeremy Collier

There is no such whetstone, to sharpen a good wit and encourage a will to learning, as is praise. – Roger Ascham

All mankind is now learning that these nuclear weapons can only serve to destroy, never become beneficial. – Alva Myrdal

Whatever the medium, there is the difficulty, challenge, fascination and often productive clumsiness of learning a new method: the wonderful puzzles and problems of translating with new materials. – Helen Frankenthaler