

I think education is one of the greatest tools for most kids not only to expand their book knowledge, but their ability to experience new things – I think it opens more doors than any other experience I can think of. – Will Estes

Whole areas of knowledge and information have been defined into nonexistence because the system cannot know, understand, control, or measure them. – Anne Wilson Schaef

Anyone who acquires more than the usual amount of knowledge concerning a subject is bound to leave it as his contribution to the knowledge of the world. – Liberty Hyde Bailey

Probability is expectation founded upon partial knowledge. A perfect acquaintance with all the circumstances affecting the occurrence of an event would change expectation into certainty, and leave nether room nor demand for a theory of probabilities. – George Boole

All handling by IPCC of the Sea Level questions have been done in a way that cannot be accepted and that certainly not concur with modern knowledge of the mode and mechanism of sea level changes. – Nils-Axel Morner

I hope to attend it as Japan needs to tell the world the lessons, knowledge and reflections learned from the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant. – Yoshihiko Noda

Lawrence Ferlinghetti had a tremendous education as an artist and also an enormous knowledge of literarture. – David Amram

Allen Ginsberg was a world authority on the writing of William Blake, and had an incredible knowledge of classic literature and world politics. – David Amram

Just because scientists have the knowledge to do it, the technology to do it, and some may even have a financial motive or other incentive to do it, does not make it right. – Nathan Deal

We have no firm hold on any knowledge or philosophy that can lift us out of our difficulties. – Anne Sullivan Macy

For whatever be the knowledge which we are able to obtain of God, either by perception or reflection, we must of necessity believe that He is by many degrees far better than what we perceive Him to be. – Origen

Love, work, and knowledge are the wellsprings of our lives, they should also govern it. – Wilhelm Reich

I have a great advantage over many of my colleagues inasmuch as my students bring with them to class their own personal knowledge of national, regional, religious, ethnic, occupational, and family folklore traditions. – Alan Dundes

I had a vision how it should sound and I put all my knowledge into this product and it is a fantastic product. People still tell me that I have the best musical thing there. – Miroslav Vitous

That was really so upsetting when you are trying to pass on some very serious knowledge and be basically, treated worse than a student coming off the street because his father pays the tuition. Come on. Give me a break. This is no school. This is a joke. – Miroslav Vitous

There was the best teachers from the Czech Philharmonic, highly dedicated people, some of the best musicians in the world passing on the knowledge about the country, about the principles, and about the music. – Miroslav Vitous

They taught us because they wanted to pass the knowledge on and educate young musicians. It was not because they had to teach because they failed as musicians. There is a huge difference in the reasons why someone is teaching and what they can offer and what they cannot offer. – Miroslav Vitous

Now all the knowledge and wisdom that is in creatures, whether angels or men, is nothing else but a participation of that one eternal, immutable and increased wisdom of God. – Ralph Cudworth

Your aim will be knowledge and wisdom, not the reflected glamour of fame. – Abbott L. Lowell

The frontiers of knowledge in the various fields of our subject are expanding at such a rate that, work as hard as one can, one finds oneself further and further away from an understanding of the whole. – James Meade