

There is no more steely barb than that of the Infinite. – Charles Baudelaire

Offer unto me that which is very dear to thee — which thou holdest most covetable. Infinite are the results of such an offering. – Bhagavad Gita

The poetic notion of infinity is far greater than that which is sponsored by any creed. – Joseph Brodsky

While many people are trying to be in tune with infinite, what they really are is in tune with the indefinite. – Eric Butterworth

Infinities and indivisibles transcend our finite understanding, the former on account of their magnitude, the latter because of their smallness; Imagine what they are when combined. – Galileo Galilei

I mistrust the satisfaction which makes a display of the possession of Infinity; that is called fatuity in philosophic terms. – Edgar Quinet

If any philosopher had been asked for a definition of infinity, he might have produced some unintelligible rigmarole, but he would certainly not have been able to give a definition that had any meaning at all. – Bertrand Russell

I think that the leaf of a tree, the meanest insect on which we trample, are in themselves arguments more conclusive than any which can be adduced that some vast intellect animates Infinity. – Percy Bysshe Shelley

This moment exhibits infinite space, but there is a space also wherein all moments are infinitely exhibited, and the everlasting duration of infinite space is another region and room of joys. – Thomas Traherne