

I shoot the Hippopotamus
With bullets made of platinum,
Because if I use leaden ones
His hide is sure to flatten em. – Hilaire Belloc

There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast. – Charles Dickens

Courage and grace is a formidable mixture. The only place to see it is the bullring. – Marlene Dietrich

They take unbelievable pleasure in the hideous blast of the hunting horn and baying of the hounds. Dogs dung smells sweet as cinnamon to them. – Desiderius Erasmus

It is very strange, and very melancholy, that the paucity of human pleasures should persuade us ever to call hunting one of them. – Samuel Johnson

When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity. – George Bernard Shaw

One knows so well the popular idea of health. The English country gentleman galloping after a fox — the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable. – Oscar Wilde