

Womens health is one of WHOs highest priorities. – Gro Harlem Brundtland

I dont think its governments job to find health care for people. I think its the individuals job to find health care. – Ted Cruz

With a lot of hair and make-up then Im possibly, remotely attractive. But its rare, I dont think Im ugly but Im nothing particularly special. Im not a yoga and health girl. I dont exercise that much and I eat crap and smoke and bite my nails. – Lisa Marie Presley

I retire with a smile on my face, in good health, and ready to spend autumns at my kids games instead of my own. Im excited to start the next chapter of my life. – Drew Bledsoe

Skyrocketing insurance premiums are debilitating our Nations health care delivery system and liability insurers are either leaving the market or raising rates to excessive levels. – Jim Ryun

Americas veterans deserve the very best health care because theyve earned it. – Jim Ramstad

Please be assured that as we move along through the implementation of health insurance reform, making sure that we find efficiencies within the existing system, is foremost on the Presidents mind. – Valerie Jarrett

When youre young, you dont think very far ahead. You just think in terms of the next day, the next week, the next competition. You dont think about injuries that could threaten your long-term health. – Katarina Witt

I dont work out and be healthy and want a strong body because I want to look good in a bikini. I do all of those things for me and for my health. Im not going on the cover of Maxim and FHM because thats not me. – Maggie Q

Americas health care system provides some of the finest doctors and more access to vital medications than any country in the world. And yet, our system has been faltering for many years with the increased cost of health care. – Paul Gillmor

Ive never had any health problems and Im Ruben, man, all the way through. – Ruben Studdard

When my friends have a health concern, they call me. Ive always been a vitamin taker. I also take digestive enzymes and antioxidants, and supplements that help with the thyroid and adrenals for my time-zone changes. – Carla Gugino

For example, lead paint in old houses can be a greater threat to childrens health than lead that may be under some industrial site where there are no children. – Fred Thompson

I dont think a director should have any kids. I dont even think its good for your physical health. Even guys in their 30s look exhausted because directors never get enough sleep. What I do is stressful enough. – Tom Berenger

Science is the international language, so when we are able to convince countries that good decision-making for human health and animal health is based upon science, thats a real success story for us. – Mike Johanns

Having good health, being able to breathe and be happy, thats one of the most beautiful gifts. On top of that, I have the gift to play music and make people happy through that. Im just telling you from my heart, Im so in love with life. – Roy Ayers

Do you know what the overhead is of the Medicare system? One-point-zero-five percent. Do you know what – private insurance is 30 percent in overhead and profits? Given a choice how Im going to improve health care, Im going to take it away from private insurance profits and overhead. Wouldnt you? – Anthony Weiner

What I am saying is, all health care has a problem with costs. Medicare is growing slower than the private insurance plans. Why? Because of their efficiency. They dont have to give money to shareholders. Why should be defending shareholders? – Anthony Weiner

Optimism is not inherently a superior way of viewing the world. Certainly doctors will say it might be better for ones physical health to be an optimist. But, morally speaking it may not be appropriate in certain circumstances. – Todd Solondz

When Medicare was created for senior citizens and America s disabled in 1965, about half of a seniors health care spending was on doctors and the other half on hospitals. – Dennis Hastert