

In later times wise men were never wanting who endeavoured to restore among their contemporaries primitive habits and ways of living, to bring mankind back to the observance of those simple and rational rules of life to which the ancients owed their health and strength. – Sebastian Kneipp, 1889, translated from German, introduction to Thus Shalt Thou

Sometimes I get the feeling the aspirin companies are sponsoring my headaches. – Terri Guillemets

Life is like a tree and its root is consciousness. Therefore, once we tend the root, the tree as a whole will be healthy. – Deepak Chopra

A healthy body is the guest-chamber of the soul; a sick, its prison. – Francis Bacon

An imaginary ailment is worse than a disease. – Yiddish Proverb

He who can believe himself well, will be well. – Ovid

The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together. – Kurdish Saying

Preserving the health by too strict a regimen is a wearisome malady. – François Duc de la Rochefoucauld

From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health. – Catalan Proverb

If man thinks about his physical or moral state he usually discovers that he is ill. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Stretching oneself too thin is the disease of modern life — letting oneself get too thick, the other. – Terri Guillemets

Physick, for the most part, is nothing else but the Substitute of Exercise or Temperance. – Joseph Addison

Men make use of their illnesses at least as much as they are made use of by them. – Aldous Huxley

The part can never be well unless the whole is well. – Plato

The cure of the part should not be attempted without the cure of the whole. – Plato

It is part of the cure to want to be cured. – Seneca

I am at the moment deaf in the ears, hoarse in the throat, red in the nose, green in the gills, damp in the eyes, twitchy in the joints and fractious in temper from a most intolerable and oppressive cold. – Charles Dickens

If by gaining knowledge we destroy our health, we labour for a thing that will be useless in our hands. – John Locke

It is a wise mans part, rather to avoid sickness, than to wishe for medicines. – Thomas More, Utopia

What health is to the body, even that is honesty to the soul. Develop your spirit that it may gain strength to control the body and follow the natural laws of nutrition and hygiene. – Kemetic Wisdom