

Health care costs blunt the competitive edge of American entrepreneurs, from the auto industry to internet start-ups. – Tom Allen

By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secure America! – Tom Allen

To do what we are doing in this budget to our children, cutting their health care funds, decreasing opportunity, simply so we can pay for tax cuts and a war in Iraq is beyond belief, and we need to reverse it. – Tom Allen

What you see is when the government gets involved, you run out of money and health care gets rationed. – Rick Scott

The lack of health care coverage has remained very important to me during my time in Congress and as a member of the House Subcommittee on Health, I am working hard with my colleagues to correct these inequalities. – Paul Gillmor

The American economy has always been driven by the entrepreneurial nature of its citizens, and blocking access to affordable health care will only suffocate growth within the small business sector of our economy. – Paul Gillmor

The World Health Organisation has a lot of its medical experts sitting in Geneva while hospitals in Africa have no drugs and desperate patients are forced to seek medication on the black market. – Pauline Hanson

I never want to try to be a spokesperson for health and wellness because I most definitely am not the most in shape person in the world. – Ruben Studdard

Some of the best health care services are free or cost very little and are even available to millionaires but hardly anyone knows they exist. – Matthew Lesko

There are few in America that really know how to take advantage of the current health care system. – Matthew Lesko

People really do make the assumption that I had some weirdo Hollywood upbringing, but my parents are incredibly down-to-earth people who worked really hard to raise us in a way that was health. – Zoe Kazan

And whether it is equal pay, health care, Social Security, or family leave, this Congress has refused to address issues critical to hard-working American women. – Louise Slaughter

Contraceptives have a proven track record of enhancing the health of women and children, preventing unintended pregnancy, and reducing the need for abortion. – Louise Slaughter

For most women, including women who want to have children, contraception is not an option it is a basic health care necessity. – Louise Slaughter

Half of all women who are sexually active, but do not want to get pregnant, need publicly funded services to help them access public health programs like Medicaid and Title X, the national family planning program. – Louise Slaughter

For that story, I took as my subject a young woman whom I got to know over the course of a couple of visits. I never saw her having any health problems – but I knew she wanted to be married. – Jhumpa Lahiri

We must seek to persuade member states and institutions that better regulation in Europe does not mean cutting health and safety in the workplace, nor does it mean dismantling social standards. – John Hutton

From my time in Health I know that choice empowers people lives. – John Hutton

City governments ought to be abolished, if only as a public health measure. – L. Neil Smith

As I travel around Idaho and visit with seniors, I hear almost universal concern about the rising cost of health care, particularly the cost of prescription drugs. – Michael K. Simpson