

World War II was the last government program that really worked. – George Will

Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government. – Grover Cleveland

I decided I ought to pick a project that would not be controversial, that would not really cost the government a lot of money. – Barbara Bush

We tried to have diplomas without learning, we tried to have jobs without work, we tried to have houses without savings, we tried to have government without responsibility. – Newt Gingrich

It is time we passed a balanced budget amendment and return this government to limited spending. – Newt Gingrich

The time has come to tell the truth about the corruption of the government employee unions in this country. – Newt Gingrich

People should be free, people should be unencumbered by regulation as much as possible, that big government always goes corrupt and the truth shall always set you free. – Glenn Beck

Of all tasks of government the most basic is to protect its citizens against violence. – John Foster Dulles

In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed. – Noah Webster

Leaders at the highest levels of our government are undertaking a deliberate and systematic effort to redefine our government, our economy and our country. – Marco Rubio

Americans chose a limited government that exists to protect our rights, not to grant them. – Marco Rubio

Under this president, we have a government that has grown too big, too costly and now even more overbearing by forcing religious entities to abandon their beliefs. – Marco Rubio

While democracy in the long run is the most stable form of government, in the short run, it is among the most fragile. – Madeleine Albright

But without a caring society, without each citizen voluntarily accepting the weight of responsibility, government is destined to grow even larger, taking more of your money, burrowing deeper into your lives. – Jeb Bush

Secrecy, being an instrument of conspiracy, ought never to be the system of a regular government. – Jeremy Bentham

There is nothing inherently fair about equalizing incomes. If the government penalizes you for working harder than somebody else, that is unfair. If you save your money but retire with the same pension as a free-spending neighbor, that is also unfair. – Arthur C. Brooks

The office of government is not to confer happiness, but to give men the opportunity to work out happiness for themselves. – William Ellery Channing

Wherever magistrates were appointed from among those who complied with the injunctions of the laws, Socrates considered the government to be an aristocracy. – Xenophon

The Imperial German Government will not expect the Government of the United States to omit any word or any act necessary to the performance of its sacred duty of maintaining the rights of the United States and its citizens and of safeguarding their free exercise and enjoyment. – William Jennings Bryan

Good government is the outcome of private virtue. – John Jay Chapman