

Every war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence, and every war is sold to the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious maniacs, as a Holy Crusade to save God and Goodness from Satan and Evil. – Robert Anton Wilson

God expects but one thing of you, and that is that you should come out of yourself in so far as you are a created being made and let God be God in you. – Meister Eckhart

God gives us our relatives, thank God we can choose our friends. – Ethel Watts Mumford

Worry – a God, invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse it takes away the appetite, and turns the hair gray. – Benjamin Disraeli

You never know God is all you need until God is all you have. – Rick Warren

It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another, but from God only. – William Blake

An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books. – Samuel Butler

A singer starts by having his instrument as a gift from God… When you have been given something in a moment of grace, it is sacrilegious to be greedy. – Marian Anderson

Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad. – Euripides

To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell. – Marquis de Sade

The sons of Judah have to choose that God may again choose them. The divine principle of our race is action, choice, resolved memory. – George Eliot

An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with. – Thomas Fuller

One needs occasionally to stand aside from the hum and rush of human interests and passions to hear the voices of God. – Anna Julia Cooper

Because wherever I am today, I still owe it to God and I owe it to two men – the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X and of course, two very special women, my mother and my wife. – Louis Farrakhan

Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave. – Constantin Brancusi

If you hug to yourself any resentment against anybody else, you destroy the bridge by which God would come to you. – Peter Marshall

Assuredly, Loving Souls, you should go to God with all humility and respect, humbling yourselves in His presence, especially when you remember your past ingratitude and sins. – Alphonsus Liguori

Outside the kingdom of the Lord there is no nation which is greater than any other. God and history will remember your judgment. – Haile Selassie

Every person is a God in embryo. Its only desire is to be born. – Deepak Chopra

For me the goddess is the female of God, She is powerful if different. – Tina Turner