

Glory is the shadow of virtue. – Proverb

The glory of young men is their strength, and the beauty of old men is their gray head. – Bible

Who tracks the steps of glory to the grave? – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

We are Divine enough to ask and we are important enough to receive. – Wayne Dyer

For glory gives herself only to those who have always dreamed of her. – Charles De Gaulle

The paths of glory lead but to the grave. – Thomas Gray

The glory of a nation and an age is always the work of a few great persons, and it disappears with them. – Baron Grimm

Sudden glory is the passion which makes those grimaces called laughter. – Thomas Hobbes

No statement about God is simply, literally true. God is far more than can be measured, described, defined in ordinary language, or pinned down to any particular happening. – David Jenkins

The chief glory of every people arises from its authors. – Samuel Johnson

Military glory –the attractive rainbow that rises in showers of blood. – Abraham Lincoln

Is it not passing brave to be a King and ride in triumph through Persepolis? – Christopher Marlowe

Glory comes too late, after one as been reduced to ashes. – Marcus Valerius Martial

Glory paid to our ashes comes too late. – Marcus Valerius Martial

The final event to himself has been, that as he rose like a rocket, he fell like the stick. – Thomas Paine

My appointed work is to awaken the divine nature that is within. – Peace Pilgrim

I have touched the highest point of all my greatness, and from that full meridian of my glory I haste now to my setting. – William Shakespeare