

All money is a matter of belief. – Adam Smith

A moderate addiction to money may not always be hurtful but when taken in excess it is nearly always bad for the health. – Clarence Day

We at Chrysler borrow money the old-fashioned way. We pay it back. – Lee Iacocca

The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket. – Andrew Carnegie

For the merchant, even honesty is a financial speculation. – Charles Baudelaire

Security depends not so much upon how much you have, as upon how much you can do without. – Joseph Wood Krutch

Today, if you look at financial systems around the globe, more than half the population of the world – out of six billion people, more than three billion – do not qualify to take out a loan from a bank. This is a shame. – Muhammad Yunus

We cannot both preach and administer financial matters. – Saint Stephen

The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward. – John Maynard Keynes

Starting out to make money is the greatest mistake in life. Do what you feel you have a flair for doing, and if you are good enough at it, the money will come. – Greer Garson

I finally know what distinguishes man from the other beasts: financial worries. – Jules Renard

I made my money by selling too soon. – Bernard Baruch

Poverty is unnecessary. – Muhammad Yunus

It is incumbent upon each of us to improve spending and savings practices to ensure our own individual financial security and preserve the collective economic well-being of our great society. – Ron Lewis

The only way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he were poor. – William Temple

The only way that we can reduce our financial dependence on the inflow of funds from the rest of the world is to reduce our trade deficit. – Martin Feldstein

Thirty to 40 years ago, most financial decisions were fairly simple. – Scott Cook

Gold and silver, like other commodities, have an intrinsic value, which is not arbitrary, but is dependent on their scarcity, the quantity of labour bestowed in procuring them, and the value of the capital employed in the mines which produce them. – David Ricardo

There can be no rise in the value of labour without a fall of profits. – David Ricardo

Infinite growth of material consumption in a finite world is an impossibility. – E. F. Schumacher