

There is no place in a fanatics head where reason can enter. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Just as every conviction begins as a whim so does every emancipator serve his apprenticeship as a crank. A fanatic is a great leader who is just entering the room. – Heywood Broun

No violent extreme endures. – Thomas Carlyle

The fanatic is incorruptible: if he kills for an idea, he can just as well get himself killed for one; in either case, tyrant or martyr, he is a monster. – E. M. Cioran

Like other revolutionaries I can thank God for the reactionaries. They clarify the issue. – Robin G. Collingwood

Fanaticism soberly defined, is the false fire of an over heated mind. – William Cowper

This woman did not fly to extremes; she lived there. – Quentin Crisp

Radical simply means grasping things at the root. – Angela Y. Davis

The most dangerous madmen are those created by religion, and people whose aim is to disrupt society always know how to make good use of them on occasion. – Denis Diderot

Railing and praising were his usual themes; and both showed his judgment in extremes. Either over violent or over civil, so everyone to him was either god or devil. – John Dryden

So over violent, or over civil that every man with him was God or Devil. – John Dryden

A fanatic is a man that does what he thinks the Lord would do if He knew the facts of the case. – Finley Peter Dunne

The spirit of our American radicalism is destructive and aimless; it is not loving; it has no ulterior and divine ends; but is destructive only out of hatred and selfishness. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fervor is the weapon of choice of the impotent. – Frantz Fanon

Fanaticism obliterates the feelings of humanity. – Edward Gibbon

Nothing fools people as much as extreme passion. – Bishop Hall

Defined in psychological terms, a fanatic is a man who consciously over-compensates a secret doubt. – Aldous Huxley

A fanatic is a man who consciously over compensates a secret doubt. – Aldous Huxley

Mere human beings cant afford to be fanatical about anything. Not even about justice or loyalty. The fanatic for justice ends by murdering a million helpless people to clear a space for his law-courts. If we are to survive on this planet, there must be compromises. – Storm Jameson