

As reason is a rebel to faith, so passion is a rebel to reason. – Thomas Browne

The faith I was born into formed me. – Huston Smith

Faith is an act of rational choice, which determines us to act as if certain things were true, and in the confident expectation that they will prove to be true. – Dean Inge

Through history, people look for something spiritual. The greatest scientists in the world were men of religion and faith, too. – Kirstie Alley

Have faith in your own thoughts. – Brooke Shields

These are strange times. Reason, which once combatted faith and seemed to have conquered it, now has to look to faith to save it from dissolution. – Johan Huizinga

I did not compose my work as one might put on a church vestment… rather it sprung from the truly fervent faith of my heart, such as I have felt it since my childhood. – Franz Liszt

I love the fact that we, as black people, carry our faith with us. We share it and embrace it and love it and talk about it because we talk about everything else and why not that and that was the first impression that I had that really touched me. – Boris Kodjoe

As a small business owner for the last 15 years, when I think of what truly changed my life, it was my faith, a strong family, my mom did a really, really good job of encouraging me in very clear and discernible ways. – Tim Scott

We can reach our potential, but to do so, we must reach within ourselves. We must summon the strength, the will, and the faith to move forward – to be bold – to invest in our future. – John Hoeven

When the truth is that there would be no great Western music, and certainly no decent choral repertoire, without the Catholic faith. – Richard Morris

I was brought up the Mexican way, where actors are paid very little and every part you take is an act of faith. If people respect that, then great. – Gael Garcia Bernal

Seeds of faith are always within us sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth. – Susan Taylor

Ours is a country built more on people than on territory. The Jews will come from everywhere: from France, from Russia, from America, from Yemen… Their faith is their passport. – David Ben-Gurion

Most atheists bristle at the thought that atheism has anything to do with faith, but not Penn Jillette. – Ray Comfort

If I want to understand the laws of physics I have to first believe what I read about physics. I have to have faith in what I read. – Ray Comfort

Christians must share their faith in obedience to the Great Commission, because we are only seeing the fruit of sin this side of death. – Ray Comfort

Men who accomplish great things in the industrial world are the ones who have faith in the money producing power of ideas. – Charles Fillmore

It helps, I think, to consider ourselves on a very long journey: the main thing is to keep to the faith, to endure, to help each other when we stumble or tire, to weep and press on. – Mary Richards

I believe that the Framers of the Constitution made their intent clear when they wrote the First Amendment. I believe they wanted to keep the new government from endorsing one religion over another, not erase the public consciousness or common faith. – Nick Rahall