

Never step over one duty to perform another. – English Proverb

Duty is heavy as a mountain but
Death is lighter than a feather. – Japanese Proverb

Rank imposes obligation. – Anon.

The most beautiful things in the universe are the starry heavens above us and the feeling of duty within us. – Proverb

The line of life is a ragged diagonal between duty and desire. – William R. Alger

Care not for time and success. Act out thy part, whether it be to fail or to prosper. – Ghose Aurobindo

How do you know if your mission in life is finished? If youre still alive, it isnt. – Richard Bach

He who is false to present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when he may have forgotten its cause. – Henry Ward Beecher

Duty. That which sternly impels us in the direction of profit, along the line of desire. – Ambrose Bierce

Do the duty which lies nearest to you, the second duty will then become clearer. – Thomas Carlyle

The right thing to do never requires any subterfuge, it is always simple and direct. – Calvin Coolidge

Do your duty and leave the rest to heaven. – Pierre Corneille

Sufficient to each day are the duties to be done and the trials to be endured. God never built a Christian strong enough to carry todays duties and tomorrows anxieties piled on the top of them. – Theodore L. Cuyler

The reward of ones duty is the power to fulfill another. – George Eliot

Do that which is assigned to you and you cannot hope too much or dare too much. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Oh! Duty is an icy shadow. It will freeze you. It cannot fill the hearts sanctuary. – Augusta Jane Evans

Duty largely consists of pretending that the trivial is critical. – John Fowles

Can you have more than one major MISSION pervading your life? NO. That would be like coming to a fork in the road and trying to go both ways by straddling it. – Charles A. Garfield

I sighed as a lover, I obeyed as a son. – Edward Gibbon

Make your life a mission-not an intermission. – Arnold Glasgow