

Women have not yet realized the cowardice that resides, for if they should decide to do so, they would be able to fight you until death and to prove that I speak the truth, amongst so many women, I will be the first to act, setting an example for them to follow. – Veronica Franco

Sickness, insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life. – Edvard Munch

There are people who never experience that, who remain closed until death, from fear of change. – Isabelle Adjani

In this situation I was constantly exposed to danger and death. – Daniel Boone

We were then in a dangerous, helpless situation, exposed daily to perils and death amongst savages and wild beasts, not a white man in the country but ourselves. – Daniel Boone

Hitchcock had to fight to the death to make his movies. – Alex Winter

The Supreme Court of the United States… has validated the Nazi method of execution in… concentration camps, starving them to death. – Jack Kevorkian

I will admit, like Socrates and Aristotle and Plato and some other philosophers, that there are instances where the death penalty would seem appropriate. – Jack Kevorkian

Not one has shown an iota of fear of death. They want to end this agony. – Jack Kevorkian

If Christ can die in a barn, I think the death of a human in a van is not so bad. – Jack Kevorkian

My death will be caused by morphine, which I have deliberately taken with suicidal intent. – Alex Campbell

A Shakespearean tragedy as so far considered may be called a story of exceptional calamity leading to the death of a man in high estate. But it is clearly much more than this, and we have now to regard it from another side. – Andrew Coyle Bradley

And, in a funny way, each death is different and you mourn each death differently and each death brings back the death you mourned earlier and you get into a bit of a pile-up. – Nigella Lawson

We burned to death 100,000 Japanese civilians in Tokyo – men, women and children. LeMay recognized that what he was doing would be thought immoral if his side had lost. But what makes it immoral if you lose and not immoral if you win? – Robert McNamara

Life is like a very short visit to a toyshop between birth and death. – Desmond Morris

They can rule the world while they can persuade us our pain belongs in some order is death by famine worse than death by suicide, than a life of famine and suicide…? – Adrienne Rich

He who is obsessed by death is made guilty by it. – Elias Canetti

There is no such thing as an ugly language. Today I hear every language as if it were the only one, and when I hear of one that is dying, it overwhelms me as though it were the death of the earth. – Elias Canetti

I have sometimes imagined my own death and brought myself to tears. – Martin Short

Any existence deprived of freedom is a kind of death. – Michel Aoun