

Their spirituality was in nature, even though Emerson was a preacher on the pulpit, he ended up going out into nature for direct, face-to-face communication with God, if you want to call all of this creation part of God. – Story Musgrave

Gradually I became aware of details: a company of French soldiers was marching through the streets of the town. They broke formation, and went in single file along the communication trench leading to the front line. Another group followed them. – Ernst Toller

I do not pretend to know precisely what is on foot there but I think it pretty evident that there is a very free communication between that country and this body, and unless I am greatly mistaken, I see the dwarfish medium by which that communication is kept up. – Benjamin F. Wade

States are looking for low-cost solutions that will enable better communication, while avoiding the danger in which the chain of command breaks down in emergencies. We do not want everyone talking to everyone else all the time. – John Shimkus

With Jackson there was quiet solitude. Just to sit and look at the landscape. An inner quietness. After dinner, to sit on the back porch and look at the light. No need for talking. For any kind of communication. – Lee Krasner

Today, comics is one of the very few forms of mass communication in which individual voices still have a chance to be heard. – Scott McCloud

My mother and I always had full adult communication. – Erin Gray

The church acknowledges some Scientologists choose to sever communications with family members who leave. The church says it is a fundamental human right to cease communication with someone. It adds disconnection is used against expelled members and those who attack the church. – John Sweeney

We know that communication must be hampered, and its form largely determined, by the unconscious but inevitable influence of a transmitting mechanism, whether that be of a merely mechanical or of a physiological character. – Oliver Joseph Lodge

The other thing about FEMA, my understanding is that it was supposed to move into the Department of Homeland Security… and be what it was, but also having a lot of lateral communication with all those others involved in that issue of homeland security. – Warren Rudman

My two daughters live on Facebook, and social media is their mode of communication. – Tony Goldwyn

Strange about parents. We have such easy access to them and such daunting problems of communication. – James Merrill

Illiteracy is rampant. People are out of communication. – Karen Black

The speed of communication, the speed of information transfer, the cheapness of communication, the ease of moving things around the world are a difference in kind as well as degree. – Paul A. Volcker

As soon as you judge communication a little more rigorously, there is a possibility that the message will not be democratized. I have to say what I believe to be right. I have to spread out the statement among all the means of expression available to us at present. – Alexander Kluge

The interest in the supernatural in a very generic sense and in the spiritual is not in itself a factor that helps the communication of the Christian faith. – Karl Lehmann

The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate. – Joseph Priestley

We intend to keep the lines of communication open with the Defense Department so we can help our border law enforcement agencies navigate the equipment application process. – Henry Cuellar

As our country increasingly relies on electronic information storage and communication, it is imperative that our Government amend our information security laws accordingly. – Jo Ann Davis

But picketing – picketing for or against something, and handing out literature – these are conspicuously formal actions. They have to be understood as indirect communication. – Tony Conrad