

Do other people, I wonder, find the same keen pleasure that I do in periodically undertaking a pilgrimage all over the house to wage a war of extermination upon its accumulations of rubbish? – Chiffon, “The Woman of To‑Day,” To‑Day, 1898 January 15th #declutter

Garbage clutters the house that has no dream. – Mike Dolan, @HawaiianLife

Eliminate physical clutter. More importantly, eliminate spiritual clutter. – Terri Guillemets

Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. – William Morris, lecture, 1880

Having too many things about us is a certain confusion to the intellect. – Oscar C. McCullouch, “The Piety of the Intellect,” sermon, Plymouth Congregation

The more you have, the more you dust! – Robin Bastian, [Second part is “Have Less. Dust Less. Liv

Clutter is found in so many shapes and sizes. We can find it on our kitchen tables, under our beds, in our cars, and in our heads. – Katrina Mayer,

Clear clutter. Make space for you. – Magdalena Vandenberg, Minnie Moo: The Extraordinary Adventures of an Ordinary Ca

Collect moments, not things. – Author unknown

Owning less is far more beneficial than organizing more. – Joshua Becker,

If you always add and never subtract, you will eventually bury yourself. – Peter Walsh

Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing? – William Shakespeare, As You Like It [IV, 1, Rosalind]

Too much of a good thing is still too much. – L.D.C., The Urologic and Cutaneous Review, 1938

I have found that the temple of the undistracted mind must be housed in an uncluttered environment. A basement or garret is invaluable, but they, too, must be uncluttered, even though they hold many essential things used only occasionally… – American Home, 1945

It is easier to be happy when you are not surrounded by the confusion and the clutter of life. – David Baird

Clutter smothers. Simplicity breathes. – Terri Guillemets, “More room, more thought,” 2005

As with the advent of spring cleaning we clear out of our houses the things no longer useful to us, why not at the same time relieve our minds of worthless rubbish? – Emily Tolman, “Seasonable Suggestions,” 1907

There is hardly a place where, in the course of a year, some things are not purchased and never used, and where spring cleaning does not unearth them. Spring is the time when the good housewife puts all doubtful things into the trash barrel. – E.F. White, “Spring Soda Fountain Thoughts,” 1908 [a little altered —t&#94

Freedom is hiding under the clutter. – Terri Guillemets, “At home,” 2005

I am never five minutes into stripping the clutter from my life before I start running into the clutter that is my life. – Robert Brault,