

A newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three. – Grantly Dick-Read

A baby sucks a finger as instinctively as the breast — but the breast is better for the baby. – Martin H. Fischer (1879–1962)

While breastfeeding may not seem the right choice for every parent, it is the best choice for every baby. – Amy Spangler

My opinion is that anybody offended by breastfeeding is staring too hard. – David Allen

Breast milk is better than any udder milk! – Author Unknown

It is only in the act of nursing that a woman realizes her motherhood in visible and tangible fashion; it is a joy of every moment. РHonor̩ de Balzac

[Bottle feeding] also made a fetish out of cleanliness, and maybe all the washing and scrubbing has further reduced the pleasure we take in our body and in life. – Author Unknown

The benefits to the mother of immediate breastfeeding are innumerable, not the least of which after the weariness of labor and birth is the emotional gratification, the feeling of strength, the composure, and the sense of fulfillment that comes with the handling and suckling of the baby. – Ashley Montague

Mothers ought to bring up and nurse their own children; for they bring them up with greater affection and with greater anxiety, as loving them from the heart, and so to speak, every inch of them. – Plutarch

No one could give her such soothing and sensible consolation as this little three-month-old creature when he lay at her breast and she felt the movement of his lips and the snuffling of his tiny nose. – Leo Tolstoy

Breastfeeding is a gift that lasts a lifetime. – Author Unknown

Ah, the joy of suckling! She lovingly watched the fishlike motions of the toothless mouth and she imagined that with her milk there flowed into her little son her deepest thoughts, concepts, and dreams. – Milan Kundera

A child not suckled by its mother is unfortunate… – Christian Augustus Struve, Asthenology: or, The Art of Preserving Feeble Life, 1

The moment she had laid the child to the breast both became perfectly calm. – Isak Dinesen

Mother knows breast. – Author Unknown

Breastmilk: the gift that keeps on giving. – Author Unknown

Do not nurse a kid who wears braces. – Author Unknown, “Nursing Mother Principle”

Does breast milk come in chocolate? – Author Unknown

What a singular fact for an angel visitant to this earth to carry back in his note-book, that men were forbidden to expose their bodies under the severest penalties! – Henry David Thoreau

Breastfeeding is best. – Author Unknown