

Art is vice. You dont marry it legitimately, you rape it. – Edgar Degas

Oh yeah, I mean every fighter has got be dedicated, learn how to sacrifice, know what the devotion is all about, make sure youre paying attention and studying your art. – Marvin Hagler

One of the main reasons I am so drawn to Hitchcock is that he planned his shots way in advance on story-boards, which he designed like classic paintings (he was an art connoisseur). Its why he found shooting on set boring – because he had already composed the film in his head. – Camille Paglia

Its high time for the art world to admit that the avant-garde is dead. It was killed by my hero, Andy Warhol, who incorporated into his art all the gaudy commercial imagery of capitalism (like Campbells soup cans) that most artists had stubbornly scorned. – Camille Paglia

But theater, because of its nature, both text, images, multimedia effects, has a wider base of communication with an audience. Thats why I call it the most social of the various art forms. – Wole Soyinka

The problem is that once the rules of art are debunked, and once the unpleasant realities the irony diagnoses are revealed and diagnosed, then what do we do? – David Foster Wallace

Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. Thats how I get my kicks. – Edward Koch

Courage is the art of being the only one who knows youre scared to death. – Earl Wilson

I have a small house so I borrow everything except art, thats what I love. – Salma Hayek

I think people should be given a test much like drivers tests as to whether theyre capable of being parents! Its an art form. I talk a lot. And I think a lot. And I draw a lot. But never in a million years would I have been a parent. Thats just work thats too hard. – Maurice Sendak

I owe much to mother. She had an experts understanding, but also approached art emotionally. – David Rockefeller

For me, pointing and clicking my phone is absolutely fine. People say that isnt the art of photography but I dont agree. – Annie Lennox

Art is dangerous. It is one of the attractions: when it ceases to be dangerous you dont want it. – Duke Ellington

When the bright angel dominates, out comes a great work of art, a Michelangelo David or a Beethoven symphony. – Madeleine LEngle

I like the fact that in ancient Chinese art the great painters always included a deliberate flaw in their work: human creation is never perfect. – Madeleine LEngle

Im not dead and I dont have blue hair but some people say there are similarities. It is usually intolerable to watch myself onscreen but this time its fine. I think its beautiful and a real work of art. – Helena Bonham Carter

I think no artist can claim to have any access to the truth, or an authentic version of an event. But obviously they have slightly better means at their disposal because they have their art to energize whatever it is theyre trying to write about. They have music. – Thom Yorke

Back then, I didnt have a big organization around me. I was just a kid with a guitar, traveling around. My responsibility basically was to the art, and I had extra time on my hands. There is no extra time now. There isnt enough time. – Joni Mitchell

Theres no being wrong in seeing something in art, only being disagreed with. – Jonathan Safran Foer

Literature has drawn a funny perimeter that other art forms havent. – Jonathan Safran Foer