

Architecture is inhabited sculpture. – Constantin Brancusi

And when an architect has designed a house with large windows, which is a necessity today in order to pull the daylight into these very deep houses, then curtains come to play a big role in architecture. – Arne Jacobsen

In addressing a task, one almost always has several possible options, sometimes only a few, and they may all be practical and functional. But they lack the aesthetic aspect that raises it to architecture. – Arne Jacobsen

If architecture is, as is sometimes said, music set in concrete, then football and basketball may be said to be creativity embodied in team sports. – Michael Mandelbaum

Chicago is known for good steaks, expensive stores and beautiful architecture. Unfortunately, the Windy City also enjoys a reputation for corrupt politics, violent crime, and some of the strictest gun control laws anywhere in the country. – Bob Barr

We think of enterprise architecture as the process we use for fully describing and mapping business functionality and business requirements and relating them to information systems requirements. – Tony Scott

Escape from the architecture ghetto is one of the major drivers and has been from the very beginning. – Rem Koolhaas

The intellectual force of the West is still dominant, but other cultures are getting stronger. I expect that we will develop a new way of thinking in architecture and urban planning, and that less will be based on our models. – Rem Koolhaas

People kind of tend to mystify design and architecture by suggesting you need to train. – Marc Newson

I mean, certainly writing, painting, photography, dance, architecture, there is an aspect of almost every art form that is useful and that merges into film in some way. – Sydney Pollack

My interest in architecture has always been sculptural. Most of my photography is of architecture. – Parker Stevenson

Architecture is a science arising out of many other sciences, and adorned with much and varied learning by the help of which a judgment is formed of those works which are the result of other arts. – Marcus V. Pollio

Of course I know very little about architecture, and the older I get the less I know. – Richard Rogers

Architecture is about public space held by buildings. – Richard Rogers

Architecture is a slow business, and city planning even slower. – Richard Rogers

Architecture is a art when one consciously or unconsciously creates aesthetic emotion in the atmosphere and when this environment produces well being. – Luis Barragan

Every one who has a heart, however ignorant of architecture he may be, feels the transcendent beauty and poetry of the mediaeval churches. – Goldwin Smith

Yet for my part, deeply as I am moved by the religious architecture of the Middle Ages, I cannot honestly say that I ever felt the slightest emotion in any modern Gothic church. – Goldwin Smith

I studied architecture in New York. So, really I was very moved, like everyone else, to try to contribute something that has that resonance and profundity of it means to all of us. – Daniel Libeskind

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture. – Martin Mull