

Designed by architects with honorable intentions but hands of palsy. – Jimmy Breslin

The Romans were not inventors of the supporting arch, but its extended use in vaults and intersecting barrel shapes and domes is theirs. – Harry Seidler

The bungalow had more to do with how Americans live today than any other building that has gone remotely by the name of architecture in our history. – Russell Lynes

Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more energetic. – Antonio Gaudi

In any architecture, there is an equity between the pragmatic function and the symbolic function. – Michael Graves

At a certain point, I just put the building and the art impulse together. I decided that building was a legitimate way to make sculpture. – Martin Puryear

For many years, I have lived uncomfortably with the belief that most planning and architectural design suffers for lack of real and basic purpose. The ultimate purpose, it seems to me, must be the improvement of mankind. – James Rouse

The frightening thought that what you draw may become a building makes for reasoned lines. – Saul Steinberg

Buildings should serve people, not the other way around. – John Portman

Architects in the past have tended to concentrate their attention on the building as a static object. I believe dynamics are more important: the dynamics of people, their interaction with spaces and environmental condition. – John Portman

Rome has not seen a modern building in more than half a century. It is a city frozen in time. – Richard Meier

Even at the United Nations, where legend has it that the building was designed so that there could be no corner offices, the expanse of glass in individual offices is said to be a dead giveaway as to rank. Five windows are excellent, one window not so great. – Enid Nemy

I have designed the most buildings of any living American architect. – Alexander Jackson Davis

I am but an architectural composer. – Alexander Jackson Davis

As a designer, the mission with which we have been charged is simple: providing space at the right cost. – Harry von Zell

They can do without architecture who have no olives nor wines in the cellar. – Henry David Thoreau

I call architecture frozen music. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The greatest advances of civilization, whether in architecture or painting, in science and literature, in industry or agriculture, have never come from centralized government. – Milton Friedman

I paint mostly from real life. It has to start with that. Real people, real street scenes, behind the curtain scenes, live models, paintings, photographs, staged setups, architecture, grids, graphic design. Whatever it takes to make it work. – Bob Dylan

Prose is architecture, not interior decoration, and the Baroque is over. – Ernest Hemingway