Quote by Adam Oates
I cant be a hypocrite as a coach because as a player thats what I

I cant be a hypocrite as a coach because as a player thats what I wanted. I wanted feedback, I wanted communication from the boss. I showed up for work, you can yell at me if you want, but I want input. So thats the kind of coach I want to be. – Adam Oates

Other quotes by Adam Oates

You eat and sleep it all day long and play on the streets until mom calls you in. My story is no different than anybody elses. – Adam Oates

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I thought my life was mapped out. Research, living in the forest, teaching and writing. But in 86 I went to a conference and realised the chimpanzees were disappearing. I had worldwide recognition and a gift of communication. I had to use them. – Jane Goodall


Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people. – Jim Rohn


I think we have to face the reality that in a society where there is a legitimate threat of terrorism, not being able to see ones face, not being able to have some sense of communication in that way, is for many societies a challenge. – Hillary Clinton


Ive worked very hard in this book to keep the lines of communication open. I dont want to turn someone away from this information for partisan political reasons. – Jared Diamond


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