You may build castles in the air, and fume, and fret, and grow thi

You may build castles in the air, and fume, and fret, and grow thin and lean, and pale and ugly, if you please. But I tell you, no man worth having is true to his wife, or can be true to his wife, or ever was, or will be so. – Sir John Vanbrugh

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I never had but one intrigue yet: but I confess I long to have another. Pray heaven it end as the first did tho , that we may both grow weary at a time; for Tis a melancholy thing for lovers to outlive one another. – Sir John Vanbrugh


Adultery itself in its principle is many times nothing but a curious inquisition after, and envy of another mans enclosed pleasures: and there have been many who refused fairer objects that they might ravish an enclosed woman from her retirement and single possessor. – Jeremy Taylor


What men call gallantry, and gods adultery, is much more common where the climates sultry. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron


The hood-winked husband shows his anger, and the word jealous is flung in his face. Jealous husband equals betrayed husband. And there are women who look upon jealousy as synonymous with impotence, so that the betrayed husband can only shut his eyes, powerless in the face of such accusations. – J. August Strindberg


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He is poor indeed that can promise nothing. – Thomas Fuller


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God is each truly and exalted thing, therefore the individual himself to the highest degree. But are not nature and the world individuals? – Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel


The strength and power and goodness of America has always been based on the strength and power and goodness of our communities, our families, our faiths. That is the bedrock of what makes America, America. In our best days, we can feel the vibrancy of Americas communities, large and small. – Mitt Romney
