Quote by Frank Bruno
Boxing is just show business with blood. - Frank Bruno

Boxing is just show business with blood. – Frank Bruno

Other quotes by Frank Bruno

Mental illness can happen to anybody. You can be a dustman, a politician, a Tesco worker… anyone. It could be your dad, your brother or your aunt. – Frank Bruno

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Other Quotes from
Sports :: Boxing

Let the other guy have whatever he wants before the fight. Once the bell rings hes gonna be disappointed anyway. – George Foreman

That was always the difference between Muhammad Ali and the rest of us. He came, he saw, and if he didnt entirely conquer — he came as close as anybody we are likely to see in the lifetime of this doomed generation. – Hunter S. Thompson

Its the boxers who attract the real women, after all, with their raw primeval strength, beautifully toned bodies and just a touch of vulnerability. – Eamonn Mccabe

Every mans got to figure to get beat sometime. – Joe Louis

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