The body is but a pair of pincers set over a bellows and a stew pan and the whole fixed upon stilts. – Samuel Butler, Notebooks Category: Body
Your cells are as depressed as you are, and your cells are as happy and frisky as you are. – Abraham–Hicks Category: Body
The body is not a permanent dwelling, but a sort of inn which is to be left behind when one perceives that one is a burden to the host. – Seneca Category: Body
Im interested in the dark side of man. Im interested in taboos, and murder is the greatest taboo. Characters are fascinating in their extremity, not in their happiness. – Elizabeth George Category: Happiness
The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away. – Barbara Kingsolver Category: Friendship
The anger of a person who is strong, can always bide its time. – James Whitcomb Riley Category: Anger
To me, music has to be about freedom. Its the most important thing in my life. – Joss Stone Category: Freedom