Quote by Chinese Proverb
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now. – Chinese Proverb

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Arbor Day

If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen. – Henry David Thoreau

Arbor Day

If I thought I was going to die tomorrow, I should nevertheless plant a tree today. – Stephan Girard

Arbor Day

You can live for years next door to a big pine tree, honored to have so venerable a neighbor, even when it sheds needles all over your flowers or wakes you, dropping big cones onto your deck at still of night. – Denise Levertov

Arbor Day

Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. – Cree Indian Proverb

Arbor Day

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