Quote by Ezra Pound
The act of bellringing is symbolic of all proselytizing religions.

The act of bellringing is symbolic of all proselytizing religions. It implies the pointless interference with the quiet of other people. – Ezra Pound

Other quotes by Ezra Pound

I dunno what my 23 infantile years in America signify. I left as soon as motion was autarchic — I mean my motion. – Ezra Pound

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Men do not understand books until they have a certain amount of life, or at any rate no man understands a deep book, until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents. – Ezra Pound

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It ought to be illegal for an artist to marry. If the artist must marry let him find someone more interested in art, or his art, or the artist part of him, than in him. After which let them take tea together three times a week. – Ezra Pound

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For no art and no religion is possible until we make allowances, until we manage to keep quiet the enfant terrible of logic that plays havoc with the other faculties. – John C. Ransom


I found enormous opposition to my religion. Its like if you want to strengthen your biceps, you lift heavy weight, as heavy as you can handle, and work your muscles against resistance until it grows strong. I had to do that with my religion. – Ricardo Montalban


The Left is doing to America what it has done to almost everything it has deeply influenced – the arts, the university, religion, culture, minorities, Europe: ruining it. – Dennis Prager


I was 21 in 1968, so Im as much a child of the 60s as is possible to be. In those years the subject of religion had really almost disappeared the idea that religion was going to be a major force in the life of our societies, in the West anyway, would have seemed absurd in 1968. – Salman Rushdie


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