Quote by Joe Miller
I believe that it is irresponsible, it is basically part of the cr

I believe that it is irresponsible, it is basically part of the crisis of leadership in D.C. to not look at Social Security and understand that there has got to be a solution posed. Weve got to take a look at it and make sure that we create a solution so our seniors arent left out in the cold. – Joe Miller

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This is easy to say with the benefit of hindsight, but I think it once again points out how very important style of leadership, that is the way he does what he does, is to his perception. – Robert Teeter


Charlatanism of some degree is indispensable to effective leadership. – Eric Hoffer


Whats missing is leadership in the White House. And the story that Barack Obama does tell, forever shifting blame to the last administration, is getting old. The man assumed office almost four years ago – isnt it about time he assumed responsibility? – Paul Ryan


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