Quote by Jeffrey Kluger
Becoming food savvy is one thing, but its amazing how fast savvy t

Becoming food savvy is one thing, but its amazing how fast savvy turns to snooty, and snooty leaves you preparing three-hour meals that break your budget and that the kids wont even eat. – Jeffrey Kluger

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Theres no one place a virus goes to die – but that doesnt make its demise any less a public health victory. Throughout human history, viral diseases have had their way with us, and for just as long, we have hunted them down and done our best to wipe them out. – Jeffrey Kluger

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More and more NFL players have been willing their bodies to science so that their brains can be studied even if they die of other causes. – Jeffrey Kluger

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Older fatherhood isnt all bad: testosterone rates drop about 1% per year as men age, making them less reactive and more patient, and a professionally established middle-aged man is likely to have more time and money to devote to his kids than a twenty-something whos just getting started. – Jeffrey Kluger

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Most New Yorkers want to look amazing, and they want you to understand that they look amazing, but they also want you to stop staring at them. – Ellie Kemper


I auditioned for Girls the fall after I graduated from Yale. The show has been amazing – as close to perfect as it gets! – Allison Williams


My mom cant defend herself to the world. She is such an amazing woman, with such an open heart. Its a real hard line, and I crossed it. I took everyones life story and assumed it would be a great thing to put on screen. I was being selfish and I feel so horrible about it. I feel so guilty. – Nikki Reed


Twitter is the most amazing medium for a comedy writer. I cant get in every idea I want on the show no matter how hard I try to bully the other writers, so its a way of me getting out other comic ideas and immediately getting feedback. – Mindy Kaling


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My Dad was so open creatively that I was off in search of black turtleneck bathing suits with long sleeves. – Moon Unit Zappa


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Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. – Harriet Van Horne, “Not for Jiffy Cooks,” Vogue magazine, 1956


When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always get worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better. – Malcolm Forbes
