Quote by Amy Heckerling
Babies dont need fathers, but mothers do. Someone who is taking ca

Babies dont need fathers, but mothers do. Someone who is taking care of a baby needs to be taken care of. – Amy Heckerling

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You know when everyones watching, your mom and dad, your friends in high school who thought they were better than you. You get your chance to get in the spotlight and shine. – Shaun Alexander


My dad was a sports writer when I was younger and then he became just a general columnist. But I grew up with him literally getting into brawls with football coaches. – Amy Klobuchar


I deal with my sons like young men. If they have a problem with something, they come to me. I am the type of dad that will drop everything I am doing for them, and always tell them to talk to me about it. – Tracy Morgan


My dad was a labourer and my mum had exactly the same job as Noel Gallaghers mum – she was a dinner lady at our local school. Everyone comes over from Ireland and they get the same jobs. – Danny Boyle


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