Quotes by

Will Durant

No man who is in a hurry is quite civilized. – Will Durant

Inquiry is fatal to certainty. – Will Durant

When liberty destroys order the hunger for order will destroy liberty. – Will Durant

Nothing is new except arrangement. – Will Durant

Tired mothers find that spanking takes less time than reasoning and penetrates sooner to the seat of the memory. – Will Durant

It may be true that you cant fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country. – Will Durant

There have been only 268 of the past 3,421 years free of war. – Will Durant

Truth always originates in a minority of one, and every custom begins as a broken precedent. – Will Durant

Nature has never read the Declaration of Independence. It continues to make us unequal. – Will Durant

Our knowledge is a receding mirage in an expanding desert of ignorance. – Will Durant

Science gives us knowledge, but only philosophy can give us wisdom. – Will Durant

Knowledge is the eye of desire and can become the pilot of the soul. – Will Durant

History is mostly guessing the rest is prejudice. – Will Durant

Bankers know that history is inflationary and that money is the last thing a wise man will hoard. – Will Durant

One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. – Will Durant

Every form of government tends to perish by excess of its basic principle. – Will Durant

To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves. Nothing is often a good thing to say, and always a clever thing to say. – Will Durant

We are living in the excesses of freedom. Just take a look at 42nd Street and Broadway. – Will Durant

Civilization is the order and freedom is promoting cultural activity. – Will Durant

The family is the nucleus of civilization. – Will Durant