Quotes by

Walt Disney

It feels good when it helps to get a good seat for a football game. But it never helped me make a good film or a good shot in a polo game, or command the obedience of my daughter. It doesn – Walt Disney

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. – Walt Disney

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because were curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. – Walt Disney

Of all the things Ive done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal. – Walt Disney

You cant just let nature run wild. – Walt Disney

You reach a point where you dont work for money. – Walt Disney

I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldnt know how to get along without it. – Walt Disney

I only hope that we dont lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse. – Walt Disney

I dont like formal gardens. I like wild nature. Its just the wilderness instinct in me, I guess. – Walt Disney

Id say its been my biggest problem all my life… its money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true. – Walt Disney

Disneyland is a work of love. We didnt go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. – Walt Disney

All the adversity Ive had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. – Walt Disney

I never called my work an art. Its part of show business, the business of building entertainment. – Walt Disney

If you can dream it, you can do it. – Walt Disney

Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood. – Walt Disney

We did it Disneyland, in the knowledge that most of the people I talked to thought it would be a financial disaster – closed and forgotten within the first year. – Walt Disney

Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world. – Walt Disney

I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I have ever known. – Walt Disney

I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous. – Walt Disney

We believed in our idea – a family park where parents and children could have fun- together. – Walt Disney