Quotes by

Tom Lantos

Hezbollahs contempt for human suffering is total, as it showed once again this morning when its rockets murdered two Israeli Arab children in Nazareth. – Tom Lantos

The patience of the American public with dilatory diplomatic delays will be very limited. – Tom Lantos

The Chinese leadership hoped that the world would soon forget the Tiananmen Square massacre. Our job in Congress is to ensure that we never forget those who lost their lives in Tiananmen Square that day or the pro-democracy cause for which they fought. – Tom Lantos

Let me start with Yahoo. As we meet today, a Chinese citizen who had the courage to speak his mind on the Internet is in prison because Yahoo chose to share his name and address with the Chinese Government. – Tom Lantos

On July 18, we will mark the 12th anniversary of the senseless loss of 85 lives in the bombing of the Jewish Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. – Tom Lantos

Insurgents have capitalized on popular resentment and anger towards the United States and the Iraqi government to build their own political, financial and military support, and the faith of Iraqi citizens in their new government has been severely undermined. – Tom Lantos