Quotes by

Saul Bellow

Psychoanalysis pretends to investigate the Unconscious. The Unconscious by definition is what you are not conscious of. But the Analysts already know whats in it — they should, because they put it all in beforehand. – Saul Bellow

Everybody knows there is no fineness or accuracy of suppression; if you hold down one thing, you hold down the adjoining. – Saul Bellow

Goodness is achieved not in a vacuum, but in the company of other men, attended by love. – Saul Bellow

Any artist should be grateful for a na?ve grace which puts him beyond the need to reason elaborately. – Saul Bellow

If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things. – Saul Bellow

There are evils that have the ability to survive identification and go on for ever… money, for instance, or war. – Saul Bellow

A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep. – Saul Bellow

A man is only as good as what he loves. – Saul Bellow

I think that New York is not the cultural centre of America, but the business and administrative centre of American culture. – Saul Bellow

What is art but a way of seeing? – Saul Bellow

You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write. – Saul Bellow

Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door. – Saul Bellow

A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance. – Saul Bellow

She was what we used to call a suicide blond — dyed by her own hand. – Saul Bellow

Here we write well when we expose frauds and hypocrites. We are great at counting warts and blemishes and weighting feet of clay. In expressing love, we belong among the underdeveloped countries. – Saul Bellow

The presidency is now a cross between a popularity contest and a high school debate, with an encyclopedia of cliches the first prize. – Saul Bellow