Quotes by

Peter Ustinov

If Botticelli were alive today hed be working for Vogue. – Peter Ustinov

Monica Seles: Id hate to be next door to her on her wedding night. – Peter Ustinov

Im convinced theres a small room in the attic of the Foreign Office where future diplomats are taught to stammer. – Peter Ustinov

Corruption is natures way of restoring our faith in democracy. – Peter Ustinov

At the age of four with paper hats and wooden swords were all Generals. Only some of us never grow out of it. – Peter Ustinov

Men think about women. Women think about what men think about them. – Peter Ustinov

The truth is an ambition which is beyond us. – Peter Ustinov

The truth is really an ambition which is beyond us. – Peter Ustinov

I am an optimist, unrepentant and militant. After all, in order not to be a fool an optimist must know how sad a place the world can be. It is only the pessimist who finds this out anew every day. – Peter Ustinov

The habit of religion is oppressive, an easy way out of thought. – Peter Ustinov

I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always seemed to me the most civilised music in the world. – Peter Ustinov

Courage is often lack of insight, whereas cowardice in many cases is based on good information. – Peter Ustinov

Contrary to general belief, I do not believe that friends are necessarily the people you like best, they are merely the people who got there first. – Peter Ustinov

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. – Peter Ustinov

Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious. – Peter Ustinov

I have three daughters and I find as a result I played King Lear almost without rehearsal. – Peter Ustinov

Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth. – Peter Ustinov