In most of the world, it is accepted that if animals are to be killed for food, they should be killed without suffering. – Peter Singer
What is faith? If you believe something because you have evidence for it, or rational argument, that is not faith. So faith seems to be believing something despite the absence of evidence or rational argument for it. – Peter Singer
When fish experience something that would cause other animals physical pain, they behave in ways suggestive of pain, and the change in behaviour may last several hours. – Peter Singer
Business ethics has always had problems that are distinct from those of other professions, such as medicine, law, engineering, dentistry, or nursing. – Peter Singer
Do business managers have a commitment to anything more than the success of their company and to making money? It would be hard to say that they do. Indeed, many business leaders deny that there is any conflict between self-interest and the interests of all. – Peter Singer
Interest in business ethics courses has surged, and student activities at leading business schools are more focused than ever before on making business serve long-term social values. – Peter Singer