Quotes by

Mika Brzezinski

Women face enough pressures and challenges in a workplace that is still depressingly biased against a females success. Add to that, the fact that the very thing many women I know find most rewarding (having kids) is now frowned upon. – Mika Brzezinski

We have to unclutter our brains from worries that maybe people dont like us. Women tend to worry about popularity it doesnt matter if they like you. They need to respect you. They need to show that respect for you in your pay check. And that needs to be okay. – Mika Brzezinski

The needs of babies and toddlers were constant and drained the life out my sense of self and my familys relationship with each other. – Mika Brzezinski

I am up at 3:30, reading the op-ed pages and getting ready to be on the air by 6 A.M. on the set of Morning Joe, and after three hours of TV and two hours on the radio, it is only 12 noon. – Mika Brzezinski

My salary situation at Morning Joe wasnt right. I made five attempts to fix it, then realized Id made the same mistake every time: I apologised for asking. – Mika Brzezinski

On Morning Joe I can say what I think, be my sometimes unorthodox self, have fun, yet be serious as well. – Mika Brzezinski

I was fired at the pinnacle of my career, on my 39th birthday. And in the year that followed, I learned that there are many psychological phases of being let go. – Mika Brzezinski

I am not afraid to say my relationship with my man is important, even vital, to who I am as a person. – Mika Brzezinski

I have mugs of hot water every morning because the studio is cold, and also because it makes my throat sound clearer. – Mika Brzezinski

I realize that of all people, I am no expert on parenting or marriage. – Mika Brzezinski

I suffered from a mild case of postpartum depression after my second child and the physical challenge of maintaining an overnight shift at CBS, a marriage, and two in diapers made the symptoms worse and everyone in the house paid the price. – Mika Brzezinski

I try my best to be extremely disciplined about my diet. – Mika Brzezinski