Quotes by

Mary McCarthy

Anti-Semitism is a horrible disease from which nobody is immune, and it has a kind of evil fascination that makes an enlightened person draw near the source of infection, supposedly in a scientific spirit, but really to sniff the vapors and dally with the possibility. – Mary McCarthy

Bureaucracy, the rule of no one, has become the modern form of despotism. – Mary McCarthy

You musnt force sex to do the work of love or love to do the work of sex. – Mary McCarthy

Liberty, as it is conceived by current opinion, has nothing inherent about it it is a sort of gift or trust bestowed on the individual by the state pending good behavior. – Mary McCarthy

In politics, it seems, retreat is honorable if dictated by military considerations and shameful if even suggested for ethical reasons. – Mary McCarthy

People with bad consciences always fear the judgment of children. – Mary McCarthy

In science, all facts, no matter how trivial or banal, enjoy democratic equality. – Mary McCarthy

In violence we forget who we are. – Mary McCarthy