Quotes by

Madonna Ciccone

Sometimes you want to go for a walk and you dont want to be watched. You just want to be anonymous and blend in. Especially when I travel, I feel that way, because I cant really go out and see a city the way other people can and I miss out on a lot. – Madonna Ciccone

Catholicism is not a soothing religion. Its a painful religion. Were all gluttons for punishment. – Madonna Ciccone

I think in the end, when youre famous, people like to narrow you down to a few personality traits. I think Ive just become this ambitious, say-whatevers-on-her-mind, intimidating person. And thats part of my personality, but its certainly not anywhere near the whole thing. – Madonna Ciccone

On the one hand, the idea of marriage and the sort of traditional family life repulses me. But on the other hand, I long for it, you know what I mean? Im constantly in conflict with things. And it is because of my past and my upbringing and the journey that Ive been on. – Madonna Ciccone

Be strong, believe in freedom and in God, love yourself, understand your sexuality, have a sense of humor, masturbate, dont judge people by their religion, color or sexual habits, love life and your family. – Madonna Ciccone

I have my work and my faith… If thats boring to some people, I cant tell you how much I dont care. – Madonna Ciccone

Things were a lot simpler in Detroit. I didnt care about anything but boyfriends. – Madonna Ciccone

In this business, my business, I get to meet all kinds of incredible people, fascinating people, glamorous people and sexy people and highly intellectual people. And you meet them and you go interesting, interesting, interesting. Theyre interesting, but not very many people stop you in your tracks. – Madonna Ciccone

I get strength from my art – all the paintings I own are powerful. – Madonna Ciccone

I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams. – Madonna Ciccone

Part of the reason I sort of shot out like a cannon out of Michigan and left home at such an early age is because I had to feel independent. – Madonna Ciccone