Quotes by

Loretta Lynn

Id love to travel to the Holy Land. – Loretta Lynn

Im not a big fan of Womens Liberation, but maybe it will help women stand up for the respect theyre due. – Loretta Lynn

I dont like to talk about things where youre going to gt one side or the other unhappy. My music has no politics. – Loretta Lynn

Ive seen country music go uptown, like we say, and Im proud I was there when it happened. – Loretta Lynn

Mommy smoked but she didnt want us to. She saw smoke coming out of the barn one time, so we got whipped. – Loretta Lynn

Daddy was real gentle with kids. Thats why I expected so much out of marriage, figuring that all men should be steady and pleasant. – Loretta Lynn

I know theres some kind of history to mountain music-like it came from Ireland or England or Scotland and we kept up the tradition. – Loretta Lynn

I aint got much education, but I got some sense. – Loretta Lynn

You cant be halfway in this business. If you dont meet the fans, you lose all youve got. – Loretta Lynn

Sometimes I think our problems are made worse by the kind of business were in. Playing these road shows is a weird experience. – Loretta Lynn

I never knew any Jews until I got into show business. Ive found them to be real smart and good workers. – Loretta Lynn

A womans two cents worth is worth two cents in the music business. – Loretta Lynn

A lot of people say Id miss show business if I quit. Id miss some of it. Now its the only life I know. – Loretta Lynn

My attitude toward men who mess around is simple: If you find em, kill em. – Loretta Lynn

I get along with all the women singers, but especially Dolly Parton. We talk the same hillbilly language. – Loretta Lynn

You get used to sadness, growing up in the mountains, I guess. – Loretta Lynn

When I first came to Nashville, people hardly gave country music any respect. We lived in old cars and dirty hotels, and we ate when we could. – Loretta Lynn

Do the best you can with yourself and hope for the best. – Loretta Lynn

My life has run from misery to happiness. – Loretta Lynn

I believe in education and wish I had a better one. – Loretta Lynn